A review by nean
Here Kitty, Kitty by Elizabeth Knox


Being only a shell of what she used to be, Kat learns to be the obedient pet, and void of emotion, Trigger watches her, apparently, he didn’t know that she was Rage’s, and no one is to look at her, she sees only one escape from her life, death.
After trying to kill herself, Kat didn’t expect Trip to save her or that she would be telling her to take her home. Kat has always wanted Trig to look at her the way he was now, he lets her know she doesn’t belong to any man, it’s the opposite, he belongs to her. He wants her, she going to enjoy the moment and hope he’s not done with her after. Needing answers, Kat wants to know if he’s going to leave, surprised when he lets her know someone would have to kill him to get him out of her life.
When she learns that Damon was put there to watch out for her and find out information she gets mad and lets him know it, she was a job to him. Damon’s angry he’s done everything to protect her, and she thinks he doesn’t care, he wants her and knows she wants him, he knows he has to walk away before he, hate F**** her.
After meeting with his father, Damon makes his decision, knowing he was only used a pawn, when he’s father tells him to leave Kat, he gives him back his cut. Fist knows what happened and tells Damon that choosing to put Kathryn over his family makes him family and he has a place with the Reaper’s if he wants.
With everything going on there’s going to be a war, Damon wants Rage. Kat learns about Damon being patched into the Reapers, only he didn’t tell her, but she knows that means he wants her, he did it for their future, but what will their future be with not only one war coming but two, and Kat wonders if when Rage is finally gone will she get her peace and happiness.