A review by merlin_reads
The Hunt for the Big Bad Wolf by E.M. Tippetts


 So this series is one of my guilty pleasures and follows one of my all time favorite troupes - famous actor falls for a normal girl. I'm such a sucker for it. And while I've never loved any of the sequels as much as the first, this one was still fun.

Even though she's married to one of the hottest movie stars around, Chloe still tries to cling to her normalcy and that includes her job as a CSI. While involved in a major serial killer case involving kids, Chloe suddenly finds her secret case files played all over the tv screen on the show her husband is currently working on. Coincidence or a leak?

This book was more mystery than love story and while I love me a good mystery, I still missed seeing Jason and Chloe together. Their communication was gone and their connection seemed almost nonexistent. There was also some outside drama that played very heavily on their relationship and I just wanted to see some fun love. Alas, maybe next time.

Then there was the mystery itself. I liked following the crime and cheered Chloe along as she struggled to catch the bad guy. The fun twist at the end was very unexpected and I liked that. Overall, this was a fun book and I can't wait to read more of this couple.