A review by drez80
The Secrets in My Scowl by A.E. Via


I think it's safe to say this author is not for me. I skimmed this one as well. There are always so many things going on that don't add to the story or plot at all, and I couldn't care less about them. This one took forever to get going because we got to see two of Jacob's failed relationships that made him the a-hole he is today, but we only got Wylde's relationship issues from him telling other people or remembering. I could have done without all of Jacob's ridiculous backstory and just learned about his past as I read as well. Also, there was never any chemistry between the MCs or between Jacob and Patrick. Same for the other book I tried to read. The characters just bore me.

Oh, and I'm not usually one to harp on grammar. I do consider myself to be a bit of a grammer nazi, but I know that things get missed when books are edited; however, both books that I've read/tried to read by this author had horrific grammatical errors. I assumed based on all of the rave reviews I've seen and heard over this author's work that there wouldn't be so many basic errors. The errors made it even harder to get through her book.