A review by shutupnread
Jet Set by Carrie Doyle Karasyov, Jill Kargman


I wasn't really sure what I was expecting when I got this book, however, it definitely kept me well entertained for a few hours.

Van Pelt Academy is truly the school for rich kids. I mean, it's got maids for your rooms, balls, school stores that sell only brand name items, free spa and the best cooks from all over the world. And, it's basically a place that's overloaded with celebrities and royalties. Which, I imagine, for a commoner is much too much to handle. And that's exactly what happens to Lucy, our main protagonist. For some reason, she stumbles upon the Van Pelt Academy brochure and with the help of her innate tennis ability, she manages to score a scholarship which lands her in the land of privilege and wealth.

Lucy is the average girl. One who tries to fit in with her new surroundings, scouting out for the cute guys, trying to find friends in every corner. I didn't really think there were anything all that special about her since she's basically the type of person you'll find anywhere. However, after reading most of the book, I realized that Lucy is really forgiving and she has an actual conscience. Even though she gets mad, initially, at people and wants to get revenge, ultimately, she forgives them and when she actually goes out and seeks revenge, she regrets it right after. I mean, I know some people who most definitely won't hesitate to get back at you if you wrong him or her and will most definitely not feel any regret. However, Lucy did and that's what made me respect her more.

The other characters weren't that in-depth. There weren't that many mention about them and, if there were, it was pretty brief. I wish that Carrie could have added some more personality to the rest of the characters.

Overall, Jet Set is a quick read that will allow you to pass your time slowly. It's great for a slow afternoon.