A review by jem_read6
Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes


Another Book, and more characters I can't seem to like and a plot that just keeps going in circles.

Let's try and keep this brief but characters:

- Cleo: probably one of the only good ones but it's so annoying how she has to get things done and how she knows she has to get things done is by being in the worst situation possible.

- Jones: deserves to be dead in my opinion. One of his life goals was taken from him, the other he sucks at accomplishing, he has mixed obsession with love and has no other plan then "how about we as a very small force kidnap this very influential person to the king? That won't end badly for us at all!" ......

- Magnus: I want to like you because you finally got rid of the worst characters in existence, but I also can't stand how his only reaction to getting anything done is to be a lap dog to his father..... because trauma...

- Lysandra: absolutely useless and annoying

- Nic: needs to get over himself.

- Lucia: needs to realized she isn't in love but is being groomed and that everyone around her wants her for one thing. Also I will never forgive you for killing Hanna even though you didn't mean it.

And can we just talk about how quickly it feels like people fall in love or their emotions change in this series???? Like everyone is in love with Cleo. Cleo starts questioning her feeling for people with just a kiss. Nic is essentially hoping he could fill Theons role as guard who is in love with Cleo who Cleo will love back. The plot also is just so filler. The only thing we really get to know is the Watchers are not only assholes but truly evil and vial people and Alexios is basically seducing Lucia to kill her for their grand plans and she is just..... going along with it. More evidence why people fall way to quickly in this series. I'd really wish we could get some actual concrete progress on the actual main plot of this series and actually idk FINDING THE KINDRED! Which I hope is what we were getting in the end but it also still doesn't make sense regardless.