A review by lisabeejenkins
Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh


Can someone please tell me how I keep reading books about things like MAGICAL SEMEN? I really should have known better based on book description, but it got so many good reviews from my fellow PNR fans *and* it's a year+ wait to get it on Paperback Swap. I have been misled!

I sort of doubt this next part is a a spoiler - and heaven forbid I RUIN anything! ;) - but j-i-c....

SpoilerMaybe I am alone here, but concepts like "the only time you're not going to be driven absolutely apeshit with desire for a guy is when you're happily KNOCKED UP WITH HIS CHILD," referring to ladyparts as a C U Next Tuesday and thinking that's sexy, and a cast of people with a doctorate in use of the word "asshole" to describe each other...I mean, not so hot.