A review by taratearex
This Is Why They Hate Us by Aaron H. Aceves



 I'm glad this book exists for the teens and tweens, I really think I would have loved this as a teenager. It has great mental health representation and does a great job exploring that teenage feelings of not really knowing how to be yourself, people pleasing, feeling lost, fears of coming out, and feeling like you just want to grow up already. I really loved the Palestinian rep in the best friend character, it was really well done.

As an adult reading this one, it's hard to rate. There is a lot of sexual conversations and teens exploring their sexuality, which is great rep for the teens, but was definitely too much for me and not something I want to read as an adult, but I'm not the target audience here! The humor didn't always land for me either, but I think it was just because a lot of it was sexual or I just am not a teen, so again, I'm not the target audience for all of that to land.