A review by manoli92
Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything by Alexandra Carter


Now, of all the books I have read this year, this would be the #1 book I would recommend to everyone to read. This books deals with the art of negotiation in all aspects of our lives. The premise behind it is how mediation needs to be done first for one to be successful in negotiation. When we think of negotiation, we view it as a zero-sum game where there has to be a winner and a loser. After reading this book, I now know that it is important for the outcome of any negotiation to be mutually beneficial. The book also teaches about the importance of finding out why an individual has a specific desired outcome. We need to figure out why we want what we want and where that is stemming from. For example, if someone is hoping to get a higher pay - the answer may not be the fact that they want more money. The deeper reason could be the fact that they want to be able to tackle some obligations. By asking more questions, we’re able to get to the root and therefore be able to negotiate in a way that benefits all parties involved. This book doesn’t just pertain to workplaces, it deals with negotiation in relationships and other aspects of life. As I mentioned, I would highly recommend for everyone to read this book - tremendous value in this book!