A review by just_a_city_gorl
The Bronzed Beasts by Roshani Chokshi


  • It’s good so far, as I’m guessing you were guessing I was going to say. 
  • I love Zofia and Laila’s friendship. 
  • The mentions of Tristan are painful. 
  • Hypnos is upsetting me. Pls listen to Enrique pls. Let me hold and comfort him. 
  • I hope Hela isn’t dead because my girl does not need that right now let her be happy pls. 
  • And it’s done. My God. 
  • I didn’t like the ending. In my head, they all gained immortality and lived happily ever after together. 
  • But yeah. It’s done. My God. 
  • I’m upset I wasn’t that fond of it. 
  • But overall I did like it. Yeah. 
  • I love that Enrique wants to be a teacher. And of course he ends up with both Zofia and Hypnos. Of freaking course. 
  • I just think it’s time to be done with this series. What a wonderful ride. 
  • Looking back, I think I’m just a bit annoyed with Severin and Laila’s relationship? It’s all dramatic and they’d do anything for each other and she’s the most stunning girl I’ve ever seen but nothing about her?…Personality??
  • They never really mention how they like spending time with each other, only that the smell of her hair is intoxicating and he’s really handsome. 
  • I don’t like relationships where they love each other but don’t seem like they actually likeeach other. And how they never really spend time together either. 
  • I love her writing, it really is stunning, but I just didn’t care for Severin and Laila’s relationship as I did for Enrique/Zofia/Hypnos. 
  • They spent time together and slowly started to love each other’s company and it just felt real and genuine. 
  • And the friendships they all had were wonderful because they all genuinely cared and loved each other instead of this flowery, infatuation that was constantly described in a lot of detail, which I honestly felt was a bit boring.