A review by nikkisreadingx
Dying Wish by Shannon K. Butcher


I'm having a serious book hangover with this one. I couldn't put it down. I didn't expect to finish it in a day, but here we are. It was just that interesting. Right now, there are too many thoughts bouncing around for me to figure out, but I'm going to try.

I don't like Jackie. I realize that my thoughts and judgments on her character aren't fair -- she had her life torn away for two years and she's forced into a war she never wanted and all she wants to do is go back to her own life. I get that.
SpoilerI totally get that. But it doesn't ever change. Not when she finds out her blood attracts Synestryn, not when she realizes she can't fight them on her own, not ever. She goes through hell and almost gets Iain killed and she's still hung over leaving Dabyr and going back her old human life. Which could be possible, only she refuses to give up her memories. My biggest issue is that she keeps this mindset and no one--no one--explains exactly why doing that will kill her. They just tell her she can't do it.

As her bond with Iain grows, I get to like her a bit more. She's stubborn and extremely smart and a really good match for Iain.

And Iain? Oh, I love Iain. I've loved him since the first time he showed up. This book delves into his entire being and how he's able to hold on while having a dead soul. The tie between them and Iain slowly gaining emotions he hasn't had in years was a huge source of happiness for me. It was wonderful to read, just the perfect conflict for these two characters. They're both fighting a bond they don't want to want and it's just...perfect.

Here are the low points for me with this book:
Spoiler(1) I don't like how "neat" the ending was. Jackie has never wavered in wanting to live a human life, not once, but the ending of the book doesn't address that. They don't figure it out at all. While I hope this is addressed in future books, I want to be able to shift my focus onto the next pair. We'll see. (2) Joseph's actual character is showing and I'm not sure if I like it. You can see the strain being a leader is for him and it's completely understandable, but I'm wondering how low it's going to reach before his book comes around. (3) I hate love triangles. I absolutely hate them. Bringing Serena back was just so...weird. I was expecting something due to the light Jackie sees from the luceria vision, but I don't see why she was brought back. I mean, I know it's because she's supposed to have a story of her own, but it didn't sit right with me.

Still, even with those things, I loved it. I'll be mentally revisiting that book for days.