A review by mariahroze
Fantastic Mr. Fox & Other Animal Stories by Roald Dahl


- Fantastic Mr Fox
- Esio Trot
- The Enormous Crocodile
- The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me

I am still in the year of reading Roald Dahl. My goal is to read every Roald Dahl book, that I can get my hands on in 2017. I also have a book buddy who is doing it with me!

Fantastic Mr. Fox:
This was not my favorite book by Roald Dahl...
"Fantastic Mr. Fox is on the run! The three meanest farmers around are out to get him. Fat Boggis, squat Bunce, and skinny Bean have joined forces, and they have Mr. Fox and his family surrounded. What they don’t know is that they’re not dealing with just any fox–Mr. Fox would never surrender. But only the most fantastic plan ever can save him now."

Esio Trot:
This is a cute story where Mr. Hoppy is in love with Mrs. Silver, but her heart belongs to Alfie, her pet tortoise. Mr. Hoppy tries to win her heart over by helping her tortoise "grow" to the length and height that Mrs. Silver wants. His plan takes one hundred and forty tortoises, an ancient spell, and a little bit of magic.

The Enormous Crocodile:
The Enormous Crocodile loves to eat plump, juicy little child, and he wants to eat as many as he can. But when the other animals in the jungle join together to put an end to this, the Enormous Crocodile learns a lesson he won't soon forget.

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me:
This was an extremely cute book. I read this book as an adult, for me, by me, with no one else. As an adult I forget how fun it is to read children's chapter books. It brings back memories of when I was in elementary school. Roald Dahl was my favorite author and Matilda was my favorite book of all time in elementary school. My new goal is read every book by him!