A review by kbranfield
Leave The Night On by Laura Trentham


4.5 stars.

Laura Trentham tugs on reader's heartstrings with Leave the Night On, the latest addition to her heartwarming Cottonbloom series. Although this newest release is the fourth full length novel in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone.

After Sutton Mize discovers her fiancé Andrew Tarwater and her best friend Bree Randall have betrayed her in the worst possible way, she panics and invents a relationship of her own to save face.  From a prominent Cottonbloom family, she is finally beginning to chafe under the weight of her parents' expectations.  However after a lifetime of never rocking the boat, Sutton finds it difficult to make choices based on her needs instead doing what other people want her to do. After she comes to the realization that she is living a somewhat bland life, Sutton is ready to take a bit of a walk on the wild side, but will she be able to overcome a lifetime of  worrying about what other people think of her?

Wyatt Abbott co-owns a garage with his three brothers and nearly a year after their father's unexpected death, everyone is somewhat out of sorts. He is feeling a bit restless but he cannot quite pinpoint the cause of his dissatisfaction. Wyatt has absolutely no qualms about agreeing to help Sutton salvage her reputation, but his longtime crush on her quickly complicates things for him.

Despite their very different childhoods, socioeconomic backgrounds and careers, Wyatt is comfortable in his own skin so he has no difficulty fitting into Sutton's life.  While Sutton is pretty keen to expand her horizons, she is a bit unsettled when confronted with new experiences.  Wyatt's confidence in her is instrumental in helping her step out of her comfort zone both personally and professionally as she attempts to make positive and long overdue changes in her life. She has several misconceptions about Wyatt and although these negative assumptions do bother him, Wyatt never hesitates to set Sutton straight when she misjudges him. A sizzling hot attractions underlies their easygoing camaraderie but will either of them find the courage to turn their fake relationship into a real one?

Readers' interest will be piqued by several tantalizing glimpses into Wyatt's brothers' lives. Mace has the weight of the world resting on his shoulders as he worries about the future of their business. Wyatt's  twin brother Jackson is embroiled in a very intriguing situation with co-worker Willa Brown.  Ford has fallen WAY out his brothers' good graces with his secretive behavior and it will be very interesting to how their relationship with him will fare in the future.

Leave the Night On is a delightfully charming romance that is fast-paced and engaging. Wyatt is a sigh worthy hero with enormous appeal.  Sutton undergoes the biggest transformation as she finally begins to discover who she is and what she wants out life.  One of Laura Trentham's greatest strengths as an author is her uncanny ability to bring the town and residents of Cottonbloom vibrantly and realistically to life through her vivid descriptions and brilliant dialogue.  This latest installment of the Cottonbloom series is absolutely marvelous and will leave readers impatiently awaiting the release of When the Stars Come Out early next year.