A review by waywardskyril
The Jewel by Amy Ewing



A great dystopian!

This book really captures you from the beginning with an intriguing plot.

It's funny, but one thing I loved about this book were the names! Many are associated with color: Raven, Lily, Violet, Ochre, Hazel, Garnet. Some are associated with character traits, and some are just good names: Mercy, Annabelle, Ash, Cinder, and my personal favorite, Charity.

What was especially impressive was the writing style. Clear and smooth, it draws you in and doesn't want to let you go. Something I extremely admired and appreciated was the fact that there was no swearing at all. It's very rare to find a book without it, and I welcome it when I do.

Some of the characters I liked such as Raven, but others seemed... lacking somehow, Ash, for instance. I didn't really feel like I knew him, and he seemed... -hm, how do I put this in words?- needy? I couldn't get attached to his character at all. It didn't help that this story contained insta-love.

The story was interesting. It was a different kind of plot then I've read before, totally new. Sometimes it reminded me of Hunger Games, like with the city and Violet's family, but there was no... thrilling, what's going to happen next feeling to go with it.

Overall, this story was worth the read, and I enjoyed it. When the sequel comes out, I will definitely read it, and in the meantime, I will recommend it to anyone who enjoys a dystopian and doesn't mind insta-love.

I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway.