A review by the_chenzo
The Orange Eats Creeps by Grace Krilanovich


This is an incredible book in that you don't find many of these very often. Definitely for those who enjoy works that are more cerebral than logical. Reading it was more like this: she creates an image in your mind and just as you feel you begin to understand it morphs, like you're trying hard to comprehend a shapeshifting god. It takes a lot of mental effort but I found that thrilling. Also, something I don't see mentioned much in these reviews is the brutal emotional honesty of this confused character. I often read books where I'm watching a character do thing but in this case I feel like I became her for a while. That's not an easy trick. And even if this book feel like a literary stunt, I have to hand it to Krilanovich for not pulling her punches and really, fiercely following her vision.

I've seen a few people say it works even better the second go-around. I'm looking forward to that.