A review by emjayae149
The Distiller's Darling by Rebecca Norinne, Jamaila Brinkley


Firstly, let’s appreciate that cover. I am typically not one to mention them but there is something about those autumn colours and our couple that makes me feel warm inside.

I really enjoyed The Distiller’s Darling. As part of the series set in small-town River Hill, a place that appreciates good food and drink, the book does a great job of highlighting various foods and of course, drink; in this case whiskey.

I liked both Iain and Naomi. They are accomplished people and grown adults. Yet both are struggling to get their family to see them for who they really are. Iain is a third son. He works for a centuries old family business with equally archaic business ideas. Naomi is a sculptor whose work seems to matter little given her family’s benchmark for success is to either be a doctor or marry one. Neither of them measure up to expectations.

Together, Iain and Naomi are a match in so many ways. I enjoyed reading about the time they spend together, not only horizontally, but in conversation and getting to know one another. It’s just that burdensome emotional baggage they’re carrying that makes them act toward one another in a way that doesn’t always shout ‘You’re the one for me’. I won’t spoil their journey; it’s best left discovered as you read.

And as much as I liked Iain and Naomi, one of my favourite scenes was the argument between Naomi’s mum and Iain’s dad. I haven’t read such a rip-roaring, object throwing, name calling fight in ages! They were furious with each other. I was highly entertained.

And wow! Hasn’t Noah from The Vintner’s Vixen (book one) calmed down? I was truly worried for his health but it goes to show that the love of the right woman can do wonders even for a curmudgeon like him.

And now we wait for Book 3 ...