A review by britthebookguru
An Outline of Psycho-Analysis by Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Peter Gay


There is one thing that I believe should be fundamentally understood about Freud, whether you like him, hate him, agree with him, or believe he's totally off his rocker: he will not bore you. He may surprise you, frustrate you, make you want to throw his books out of the nearest window and say, "What the absolute hell?". But he will never bore you.

I think Freud is pretty out there. But as a past psych major and a current English major, I find his work, as well as himself, completely fascinating (even when I don't agree with him whatsoever). Disagreeing with the content doesn't make me a hater. It almost makes me love the work itself all the more.

So yeah. 4 stars from me. Bring on the hate anti-Freudians.