A review by codalion
Vetch No. 1: Autumn 2015 by Alok Vaid-Menon, Isz Janeway, Sybil Lamb, Liam O'Brien, Shana Bulhan Haydock, Melian Radu, Grey Vild, Joy Ladin, Joss Barton, rl, Sara June Woods, Hal Schrieve, Kay Gabriel, Zach Ozma, Joshua Jennifer Espinoza, Maxe Crandall, Stephen Ira, Rebecca Bedell, Stephen (Stephanie) Burt


I don't know how, when, or why I got a copy of this - well, why do I get a copy of anything. Anyway, I always enjoy the context of poetry magazines and smaller anthologies when I take the time to pick one up - I'm more of a collection-tending reader when I do wander back over to poetry, but occasionally I end up on something else.

I actually really liked most of these, and only one or two actively got on my nerves. My favorites were "Water Strider" by Stephen (Stephanie) Burt; "Companions" by Liam O'Brien; and "Queer how a road juts in." by Joss Barton. I liked several others, but to name more would be ungraciously telling as to which I did not, and I feel weird doing that about very-small-press work where people are not merely likely but inevitable to see these reviews on these sites. Well, I feel weird about it today, anyway. Lady Madonna has filled me with temporary grace and I'm sure I will return to being a bitch on the next occasion. I like this magazine. I like its stated mission. I hope we come to a time when we are not all autodidacts gathering bitter pieces and holding them up to the light uncertainly to see if they're history.