A review by jeminijem
Crooked Fang by Carrie Clevenger


A fantastic vampire read if you're wanting to step away from the gushy romance novels.

Xan's a crude, brooding, young vampire who's a big softy under it all. There was a wide array of complex characters, and great attention to details from Clevenger. The whole novel all I could smell was cigarettes and hard liquor, quite displeasing, but I enjoyed the immersion.

This book does a lot of things right with what is an over saturated market for vampire novels. It stays refreshing in personality and setting, while being loyal to widely loved vampire lore "rules." No one sparkles here, or anything else that might be too far from the reservation.

Though, the ending felt odd, like there should be more, perhaps this is suppose to be part of a series and I'm not aware. Also, I really was upset that Xan while he isn't abusive sort of mean, he is kind of a jerk, and doesn't "grow" out of it by the end of the book. Probably wouldn't have bothered me if I didn't perceive it as immaturity from my personal bias based on real life experiences.
SpoilerAlso I was a little bothered by his girl Tabby just always instantly forgiving him and jumping into bed with him, but facts like these in the book made me kind of feel this book was more intended for a male reader, as guys while they do have complex emotions are pretty cut and dry and they don't like the long drawn out emotional pow-wows women like to have sometimes. Not to mention Xan doesn't seem the kind of guy who would sit around and talk about his feelings, and he's pretty noncommittal when it comes to relationships.

This one is defiantly for ADULT READERS who are looking for a change of pace when it comes to stereotypical paranormal vampire.