A review by icedviennalatte
After We Collided by Anna Todd


I kept hoping that Tessa and Hardin would break up for good because their relationship is toxic trash but there are two more books so I know they're going to continue being awful together :(

This is the absolute worst couple I've ever read about, ever. Just when I thought Hardin couldn't get ANY worse, HE GETS WAY WORSE! He is described as always wearing black but he might as well be wearing all red because he is a walking red flag. He just keeps doing one despicable thing after another, and for some reason, Tessa keeps forgiving him.

Tessa is so annoying. She tries to act like she's so strong and independent but she can't function at all without Hardin. I actually feel kind of bad for her because she is so manipulated by Hardin that she blames herself whenever he destroys things and beats people up. They literally have one happy moment in the entire book when they go on the ice skating date, and even that is lower than the bare minimum. They were supposed to get food and then they just didn't. Tessa was like hehe it's okay let's just go ice skating! Without eating food first when you were supposed to get dinner?!! I WOULD HAVE STARVED! Okay anyways...

It's important to highlight that aside from fighting and "loving" each other, Tessa and Hardin have absolutely no personality. I don't even understand what they connect on aside from liking classic books, which isn't that unique...why are they always talking about Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice?? Like do these people read anything else?!

Also, these two have only been together for what, a few months? And they have already broken up multiple times throughout those few months? Why even try at that point LOL

I felt like this book was poisoning my brain with the toxicity of their relationship. The awful writing probably poisoned my brain as well. Of course, I'm going to read the next two books, because reading about this horrendous excuse for a couple is so addictive for some reason, so my brain is probably going to be fried by the time I'm done with this series.