A review by bethgiven
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban


The back of this book notes that this is a novel for ages 8 to 12. Well, I'm more than 8 to 12. I'm more than 8 *plus* 12. But then again, I watch Arthur and listen to High School Musical.

So it shouldn't be much of a surprise that I found A Crooked Kind of Perfect to be absolutely delightful. It had it all: good morals; quirky characters; and plenty of humor in the less-is-more (or should I say "Les is More"?), pun-filled writing. It had a fashion-backward, piano-loving protagonist who sometimes feels like a social misfit (I can identify all too well). And though it's a quick, light read (at least for those in my age bracket), there's quite a lot of depth packed in those pages. Take this gem of wisdom, for example:

"When you play the piano, you have to get the heart right. Which is harder than getting the notes right. Each note can only be right in one way. A B-flat is a B-flat is a B-flat. A robot can get a B-flat right.

"But getting the heart right is something only a person can do. And the ways to do it are as many and as different as there are people in the world."

This is the "perfect" light read in between (or, hey, in the middle of) the heavier stuff on your to-read list. Go check it out!