A review by lefthandedmatt
Star Trek: Section 31: Abyss by David Weddle, Jeffrey Lang


[3.5/5]. A solid and enjoyable entry. I found the portrayal of Julian to be a bit jarring, he was never this angry or conflicted about his condition before, but at the same time it was written well enough to make sense in context. Ro and Taran'atar were both excellent here, too, I'm really glad they've been introduced to the world of Deep Space Nine.

The biggest let down is the terrible bad guy. Dr. Locken is just pathetic and uninteresting, a moustache-twirling cliché who thinks he's the most intelligent person ever.

Definitely the best of the initial run of Section 31 novels, largely in part because it's part of the DS9 relaunch and is able to be part of a larger story.