A review by brokenrecord
The Chocolate Temptation by Laura Florand


This wasn't my absolute favorite installment of this series, but I did really enjoy it overall. It's funny because if I were listing my absolute favorite romance novels, I don't think I'd single out any of the books in this series, but as a whole, the series is one of my fave romance series. Even though for whatever reason I never get fully invested in the couples, I know that I'm never going to be disappointed reading a book from this series.

I loved Sarah, and I did like her dynamic with Patrick overall. It was also fun to see how this book kind of overlapped with the previous one. I mostly liked Patrick, but tbh there were just lots of little things that Patrick would think or do every once and awhile that would bother me?
SpoilerLike how he lies to her about where he lives and hides her umbrella so he can go to her apartment in order to seduce her, like... it's not like it made me hate him, but men lying to women in order to have sex with them is always going to bug me. There was also this one scene where he was thinking about how much he wanted her, and then for a second he wonders what Sarah might want, and then instantly is like, "No, don't think about that!" Like, wait, you should think about what Sarah might want, she has a say here too. And later when she tells him it's up to her if they sleep together again, and he says kind of mockingly, "Like it was last night?" And then later how she has to yell at him that whether she sleeps with him or not is not all about him, it's about her too. Like, I know these are all really minor things that probably didn't bother most people, and if it were only once, I would probably be able to ignore it, but all of them just kept adding up to where I felt like he was being deceitful and manipulative at times, and he wasn't taking her feelings into consideration, and that's definitely not the way to get me on board with a romance.

But besides that stuff, I did enjoy their interaction! They were fun together. And those instances were minor enough not to make me completely hate Patrick. It just prevented me from getting as into Sarah/Patrick as I would have hoped.