A review by tinmanreading
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes


I feel that I am one of the few people who had not already read this book. If you still haven’t, you should. If only to be culturally literate.
You also should read it if at all possible.
It’s one of those books that you need to look at. It utilizes a form of visual storytelling that, in my opinion, isn’t translatable to film or audio.
If you haven’t read through the book, it’s told through journal entries tracking a man’s progress from mentally handicapped to genius and not only do you understand this journey intellectually but you see it through a growing grasp of spelling and grammar.
I love when books utilize visual storytelling, not in the least because it’s extremely hard to do and maintain. It’s a brilliant story but I think I loved the use of the medium more than I loved the actual story.
Still going on my favorites list though