A review by kirstiecat
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec: Pterror Over Paris / The Eiffel Tower Demon by Jacques Tardi


I'm so glad that this was finally translated from the French and made available for sale in the US. I found this at Quimby's in Chicago, which I go to for all my comic needs and it includes Pterror Over Paris and The Eiffel Tower Demon. It's set in Paris 1911 when a Pterodactyl in a museum comes to life and it's full of alot of classic devices that make this niche topic quirky and lovable. In some ways, it's a classic detective story with all of these bizarre elements thrown in...who is controlling the monsters, mistaken identity, framing of the wrong person, etc. all are at play but it's still creative and enchanting. I would really like to see the film done based on the graphic novel but sadly it's unavailable in the US right now. Sad face.