A review by nads25
144 by Joe Pringle


144 is the follow up novel on Unbreakables published locally in 2012. It is a crime and adventure novel which revolves around a bunch of friends that are over-qualified yet un-employed in the South African job market. After years have gone past with many failed interviews they decide to redirect their energy towards burglary. Novel 1 sets a huge president with its masterly maneuvered and carefully crafted layout. Due to this it is no surprise to find that 144, its predecessor - was published shortly after with similar reviews.

144 Brings the three-o’s story to epic-ally set heights. Where they (Ben, Chris and Leon) first attempted their expertise in confiscating diamonds from smugglers, the new novel leads them to take interest into an African Artefact which enters the country illegally. To add to the already grinding adventure Joe cunningly introduced the characters of Inspector Le Roux and Ntuli – investigators, who take special interest to the case revolving around the mysterious artifact.

144 Is synonymous to the time constraint the threesome has to take hold of their special cargo. It’s a small window where they not only have close encounters with numerous obstacles, they also have to concentrate and pre-empt the involvement of the intellectual inspectors.

What I liked:
While novel one took readers on a journey where you experienced the conflict revolving around the different characters, novel 2 was more focused on the story. Joe managed to sway more attention on his other three characters Thomas, Tendai and Leigh who in novel one wasn't as defined. He (Joe) selectively grows his story with a bit of filtered backdrop and weaves it into yet another majestic plot.
Nail Biting adventure.

Well done.