A review by bookteafull
Mission to Methone by Les Johnson


DNF @ Page 85, about 29%

Welp, I said I'd get to at least 30% but I barely made it past page 50, so reading an extra chapter just wasn't gunna happen.

There's nothing horrendously wrong with this book, it's just boring. I actually quite like that the author works for NASA and is leading his first interplanetary solar sail mission - the information he presents is sound and rational; which is more than I can say for many sci-fi novels I read in 2018.

That being said, it's a wee bit excessive on the 'fun facts' and severely lacking in intrigue and entertaining plot lines to keep me invested. The characters are flat and there are Aliens who act and think more like humans than actual aliens - which was jarring and disappointing.

I can't rate this novel because I didn't finish it, but I can say that there are far more captivating sci-fi novels out there that grasp your attention within the first chapter.

** setting date read to a random year in the early 2000s so it doesn't interfere with my 2019 goals.