A review by delphinus
Modern Mindfulness: How to Be More Relaxed, Focused, and Kind While Living in a Fast, Digital, Always-On World by Rohan Gunatillake

hopeful informative reflective relaxing medium-paced


As someone with ADHD, I found this to be a very approachable and helpful guide for getting into mindfulness practice. I've attempted to get into mindfulness multiple times in the past as a way to manage my symptoms, but always struggled due to an inability to sit still long enough to get anything out of formal meditation. The focus on small, concrete meditative practices that can be applied to specific scenarios encountered throughout the day was a refreshing change from other guides I've previously tried to follow, and I found incorporating them into my daily life to be much smoother and more sustainable than I initially expected. Over the few weeks that I spent with this book, I've already noticed some improvement in my concentration and self-awareness, which is a very encouraging step towards my goal of better managing my attention and impulse control issues. I would recommend this book to anyone else with ADHD or other attention issues who has been interested in mindfulness, but had difficulty getting into it.