A review by liberrydude
Disciple of Las Vegas by Ian Hamilton


Ava Lee plays hardball in this one set in Las Vegas, Vancouver, Manila, London, and San Francisco. Number two in the series and I had read and enjoyed number three. A common theme is the meddling, arrogant client. Last time it was a couple, now it's a Filipino Chinese billionaire. Ava finds that the billionaire's brother in Vancouver gambled over $50 million away in what was initially a land swindle. But there's more. He was gambling online and he was cheated. Not to complicate matters but there's a hit out on Ava, I guess from book one, so she's looking over her shoulder as she does business. Ava quickly realizes what's going on and calls in for reinforcements for strong-arm persuasion in Vegas. It gets violent and dark. Then it looks like it's over but she ends up involved in global politics once she gets to London. Nothing is ever easy for Ava but she gets it done and done well.