A review by jang
Between Us and the Moon by Rebecca Maizel


That ending was good but too abrupt ffs why do YA authors that all the time?!!

Nah but seriously that was one ball of a cute and enjoyable summer lovin'. I had my apprehensions about the story at first because I thought it was displaying really poor characterization but the character managed to change towards the end.

Love stories like this is a nice read until you get to the part where the girl is trying wayyyy too hard to make the boy like her (which, in this case, is 80% of the story) and you just go fuccckkkk that this is 2015 and smart girls more than hold their own now in the love department! I get that the moral of the story is to be true to yourself, and to embrace your uniqueness, and to never change even if you're vying for the attention of a guy you like or you like to be Ms. Popular, BUT WHY DID IT TAKE TOO FUCKING LONG FOR BEAN TO ADMIT THAT SHE LIED. That ending hurts because of that, we could have had more sunsets and saltwater sex LOL.

What I enjoyed about the book was the dialogue. Those cute intellectual banters between Bean and Andrew made the story even more entertaining and really fun in a teen fun kind of way. Everyone loves a cute nerd lbr.