A review by shaunnah511
Chasing River, Volume 3 by K.A. Tucker


3.5 stars

Chasing River spends a lot of time building Ireland as a character. Unfortunately, it didn't feel like enough time was spent building the actual human characters in this story for me to really connect. River and Amber felt a little thin, and thus their love story did as well.

I also wish there had been more action. The pacing seemed a bit off to me, as though there should have been more happening, although the story does take place over the course of just one week.

I felt immersed in Ireland throughout, even the dialogue was great in terms of feeling authentic. I enjoy Tucker's writing style, and I actually wish there was more of secondary character Rowan - I kind of want him to get his own story! I just wanted more in terms of the intrigue and action found in the previous two installments in this series.

* I won a copy of this novel from the publisher through the First Reads program.