A review by crookedtreehouse
Briggs Land Volume 1: State of Grace by Brian Wood


My least favorite television series trend of the 21st century is ensemble shows with no redeemable characters. I was two seasons into It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia before I found it unwatchable. I can stomach The League in small doses, but I don't really enjoy it, even though it's fairly well written.

I am very worried that, even though I enjoyed this first volume of Briggs Land, that I'm not going to be able to find anyone to root for as the series continues.

The protagonist is a woman who has decided to fight her incarcerated White Supremacist husband for control of their family and the land they occupy, which is off the grid in The United States. While she seems to be the least problematic member of her family/cult, and MIGHT be on a journey of a redemption, she is definitely a person who has spent her entire adult life profiting off racism. Not the casual racism that many Americans profit off without thinking about, but rich KKK CEOs funneling money through Nazis racism. And it is unclear in this volume whether or not she's in ay way reformed. Sure, her actions come at the expense of other White Supremacists, but is it because she's evolving her beliefs or merely because she wants to be America's Next Top Racist?

Exploring that in the next volume will decide if I want to continue reading this series.