A review by scsreads
The Holiday Switch by Tif Marcelo


Thank you to the publisher for giving me a free copy of this book! All opinions are my own.

This was my first holiday book of the season and it was a cute one! I loved the fictional town that this was set in, Holly, NY- it sounded so festive and fun. I also really liked that our main character, Lila, was a book blogger who wrote about holiday books. So fun and she’s one of us!

Lila is soon going to be a freshman in college, and she’s torn between pursuing her passion or studying something more practical in college. I could totally relate to that because I had no idea what I wanted to major in when I started college and felt a lot of angst about that. I also loved Lila’s family and how close they were. She’s the oldest in the family and a caretaker, and she has such a sweet relationship with her siblings. I related to that as well as I’m also the oldest in my family and I took care of my siblings when we were growing up.

I’m not sure if the romance between Lila and Teddy made much sense to me (it felt like she just liked him because he was cute?), but they seemed like a sweet couple and I enjoyed the romantic moments. I also found the dialogue a little too cheesy for me at times, but overall, this was a cute read about family and finding your path.