A review by foxholebookcourt
Every Word You Never Said by Jordon Greene


Every Word You Never Said by Jordon Greene
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

TW: Homophobia, Bullying, Sexism, Ableism

From the moment I realised this book has a nonverbal MC, I was ecstatic, because this isn’t the kind of diversity you usually find in books, especially queer YA ones. So I was really glad when I received an ARC from the author. And now, here I am, ready to review this book!

The first half of the book was really gripping which I think was why I got so interested and invested into the story and the characters. Basically, the book focuses on two plot lines (without spoiling): one, on the relationship between the protagonists, and two, the fight for freedom of gender expression at the school the protagonists attend. It tied in together and had a pretty good flow, which was one of the main reasons I enjoyed this book.

The other reason, was, of course, the characters. I really liked Skylar. Now, I am not nonverbal so I cannot say if the rep was done properly or not, but characters wise, Skylar was really sweet and his struggles and worries and fears made him a lot more relatable. However, I think my favourite of the two was Jacob, because he gave me the I’m cool but also very awkward but you don’t know that vibes. I’m trying a lot to not spoil here so I’ll just say that I enjoyed the awkward and, on occasion, classic angsty teen romance between the two. I also really enjoyed the side characters as well (although I did find the ‘bad guys’ of the story to be a bit cliche). Imani and Seth weren’t just side characters, they added to the plot as well, and I really like that, since usually the protagonists’ best friends have no other purpose in those types of books.

The reason I took away a star (which really could be just half a star but the rating system in goodreads doesn’t allow that) is the dialogues or the inner thoughts of the protagonists which occasionally felt a bit forced. Does that make sense? But it didn’t really put me off in any way or kept me from really enjoying the book.

In addition to being a cute, romantic and diverse read, Every Word You Never Said has an amazing cover as well (definitely one of the best I’ve seen for 2022 releases). Be sure to check it out! It comes out on the 26th of April so mark your calendars.