A review by caidyn
William Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy: The Royal Box Set by Ian Doescher


Verily, A New Hope: - 3.5

Honestly, I can't remember the first time I watched this. It was probably when I was younger, so 6-7. (I always mash this and the second together, so I was surprised there was no "Luke I am your father" line for a bit. Then I realized I was thinking of the wrong movie. Oops.)

Some thoughts during reading:

- R2D2 takes the cake.
- I miss Jar Jar.
- Best fucking picture ever

- Wow, I can tell this is his first book.
- R2D2 is apparently Mercutio at one point.
- Luke is Hamlet, too.
- Luke has a lot of speeches that could be toned waaaayyy down.
- It will never not be hilarious to picture Harrison Ford speaking in Shakespearean language.
- I love this quote:

The strongest people often put their faith
Upon their strength alone, yet often such
As these are bested by a people led
By wisdom, skill and cunning

The Empire Striketh Back: 3.5

So, the most I remember of seeing this movie -- which had to be when I was really little -- is the ending. "Luke, I am your father." Best line ever, and I remember getting so confused by it. That's his dad? But, I thought his dad was dead. Again, I was a kid. Things confused me easily at that point in my life. And, Luke losing his hand stuck out, plus how he got it back. Another piece that confused me, then I later appreciated with the hearkening back to Vader losing that same hand when he was around Luke's age.

Random thoughts while reading:

- I still miss Jar Jar.
- Wow, this is relying heavily on Shakespeare's dialogue with random quotes blatantly used.
- I can still tell this is some of his first stuff.
- I really love the way he shows Vader and the side of him that's still good. In the movies, you never got that until the very end. So, I like seeing Padme's prophecy shown throughout.
- Luke and Leia really need to stop kissing. I have no issues with incest (so long as every party is a consenting adult; thank you [b:Forbidden|7600924|Forbidden|Tabitha Suzuma|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1394239949s/7600924.jpg|10018976] for that point of view) but it's really bothering me in this.

The Jedi Doth Return: 4

I really remember watching this one. That vivid beginning with Leia as a slave. What child could unsee that? I certainly couldn't, and can't. I think it's part of where my vivid dislike for women being treated as slaves comes from. And, then the Ewoks. I wanted one when I was a kid. And, the ending with Vader becoming good again. Let's face it, besides the third episode, this is my favorite.

Random thoughts:

- Wow, Palpatine aged badly.

- Still miss Jar Jar.
- Doescher is finally in his zone!
- Still want an Ewok of my own. (And that AABA rhyme scheme. I didn't even notice it until he talked about it.)
- R2 is a little bastard.

O heaven help us all. C-3PO
Already thinks himself divine, and needs
No congregation further.

- I still absolutely love the ending with Vader. It's a classic ending.

O Father, fare thee well where'er thou goest,
And flights of Jedi sing thee to thy rest!

- That ending. R2 is like Puck from [b:A Midsummer Night's Dream|1622|A Midsummer Night's Dream|William Shakespeare|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327874534s/1622.jpg|894834].