A review by zena_ryder
Rise to Rebellion by Jeff Shaara


This book was ok. And that's about it. The best thing it has going for it is the plot. It is a good depiction of what happened during the lead up to the American Revolution, and it did pique my interest to learn more about Washington and Franklin, who are the two most interesting, quirky characters in the book.

The second best thing about the book is that the writing is, for the most part, not annoying.

However, there was a particular technique that the author used very frequently, which made it a distracting rather than transparent device that the reader shouldn't have noticed.

Each chapter is from the perspective of one of the principal characters — Franklin, Adams, Washington, and so on — and the title of each chapter is just the name of the character whose perspective it is from. So you know right from the beginning who each chapter is about. However, Shaara would begin almost every chapter (especially towards the beginning of the book) with a few sentences referring to "he", rather than stating the character's name, or starting off talking about someone other than the main character of that chapter, or beginning with a description of the surroundings or of an event. I’m not sure what the point of this was, but it got very irritating, not because it is inherently bad, but because it was noticeable that the author was doing the same thing over and over.

But the bigger things wrong with the book are that the characterization is not good enough, and there is not enough emotional contrast.

If the characterization in this book had been excellent, then the reader would have been able to feel that one chapter was from Franklin’s perspective, the next one from Washington’s perspective, and so on. But, although the events in the story can indicate who is being written about, the tone, the patterns of thought, the speech, and so on — none of those things gave the reader any impression of character. All the chapters were written with the same tone, same type of dialogue, etc. The reader doesn’t feel any difference between any of the characters.

The other major flaw is that there is really very little emotional expression in the book. Although I could understand the American colonists’ anger and frustration with the British king and his representatives, I never really felt it. I didn’t feel the fear of an impending battle. I didn’t feel the elation of finishing the Declaration of Independence. It’s all rather emotionally flat.

This book is 500+ pages long, and by the last quarter or so, I was desperate to finish it. The plot was just enough to keep me wanting to finish it; but it wasn’t enough to make me enjoy it.