A review by hookedbythatbook
A Highlander Is Coming to Town: A Highland, Georgia Novel by Laura Trentham


-- Read this review, and others, on my blog at www.hookedbythatbook.com --

Claire Smythe is hiding from her family, at least until her 25th birthday, when she has to make some big decisions about her future. She found refuge in Highland, a small town in Georgia, working as companion and assistant to the old and lonely Ms. Meadows. Holt Pierson comes to her rescue when he gave her a lift home one day. Claire isn’t ready to be in any kind of relationship, and Holt can’t seem to stay away from her.

I quite enjoyed this sweet story. Claire and Holt work well together, and I loved their interactions. Claire was like a cute, but prickly porcupine most of the time, and Holt was trying to get to her softer side without getting pricked. Claire’s secret revealed itself slowly, and in increments, just as she slowly opened up to Holt.

Pick this if you’re in the mood for a romantic comedy that’s not always bright and shiny.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.