A review by bookbabe_jazzie
Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan


I must say that this book completely blew me away!
After reading book 1 and having so many things wrapped up and it ending as if the story was done, I couldn't really imagine what the next book would be about and how it could top the first one.
Let me just say that I am presently and absolutely surprised and happy that I was wrong.

This book was everything that I didn't know I needed and everything that I wanted. It completely exceeded my expectations, and I must say that I loved it even more than the first. You had a wonderful family reunion, a war against the army of death, and a splash of some dragons.

I think that my favorite part was the Love Triangle between Xingyin, Liwei, and Wenzhi had so much more depth. Wenzhi trying to make amends and committing all of him to the cause and to Xingyin. Then you have Liwei who loves Xingyin too but also has a duty and other challenges to face as well.

Xingyin went through so much more in this book! Grief, sadness, loss, Happiness, uncertainty and I must say that it call come together to create such a beautiful story and conclusion.

If you are thinking about reading this series... run don't walk and get enveloped in something absolutely amazing and 100% hard to put down!