A review by romancebookloverinseattle
Battles of the Broken by Anne Malcom


Very much struggled with this one. I usually love the way she writes, but this book not so much. There is way too much telling, and not enough showing and too much prose in this. The H and h spend forever - both aloud talking to each other - and in their heads - going on and on about their dark past and how broken they are. Really, the truly broken don't need to shout it every 5 seconds. They just are and it comes across in their actions and how they think, and not in thinking, “I’m so broken”.

On top of that huge chunks are just MISSING. They go to a club party and then the next scene is them back home. WHAT WHAT?? We don't see them there, intermixing with the club as a couple? Why even make a big deal out of her getting ready to go and going there then? It's a non-event! Then we keep having pages of scenes in italics because it happened in the past. But not the past, past, like the past between the last scene and this one. WHAT??? Just show us it happening as it happens. Don't make us read pages of italics for something that happened between one page and the next. It's super annoying.

I'm skipping pages and pages of this book, which is just sad b/c normally I love her writing and the story and how she writes them, but this book is just a struggle.