A review by loverofromance
The Sweethearts' Knitting Club by Lori Wilde


Jesse Calloway, has spent the past ten years in prison, for a crime he didn't commit. When he saved a kid and prevented a prison riot, he was granted release two years early. Jesse already has a plan...go back and and get justice, and the find the one woman who has always held his heart...Flynn MacGregor. Flynn, has always had a secret love for Jesse, but has never had hope to make a future with him. She has just accepted the proposal of the chief of police, one who she has dated since high school. Everyone seems to think they are perfect for each other. Flynn is determined to set up a 'yarn barn' in memory of her mother, she is part of the Sweethearts Knitting Club, even though she feels like a liar and not worthy of that title and belonging to that club. For one she can't knit worth a darn, but has tried most of her life and still can't even do one proper stitch. When she bumps into Jesse after ten years, she is overwhelmed with feelings of desire and love she has always held for him. But she is engaged, and her commitment is to him. But when Jesse starts to romance her again, and show her the woman she truly is, how to get wild and crazy and have fun with life....she begins to realize she will have to decide between being proper and marrying a man with prestige and a good name in the community or choose a man who knows her inside and out and sees the true Flynn...who will she decide to be the man she does marry?

Ever since last year when I was introduce to Lori Wilde a couple years ago, I was hooked on her stories. She is one of those authors, that got me addicted to Contemporary romances again. For quite some time I just couldn't sink my teeth into this genre for a while, I was really into historical and paranormal (and I still am just added another sub genre I am beginning to love again). So when I was introduced into the series when I read Christmas At Twilight, so I was very intrigued with the setting of Twilight Texas, and wanted more. So I picked this one up at the library, and definitely couldn't get enough.

This story is a bit of a triangle romance but not really. Its more about a young woman who loves two men, but one is unavailable at the time, and the other proposes and she feels he is safe. But right after she accepts that proposal where she hesitated agreeing too...her high school sweetheart comes strolling back into her life, and is fighting for a chance with her. The man she is engaged to is really the villain of the story, and that is evident from the start. His character always seemed to perfect but Jesse...now that is one sexy hero. He has a bad reputation, grew up around drugs and made mistakes. Then he comes to Twilight as a teen and meets Flynn who changes his life. He was such a great character to get to know. Even though he has this bad boy image, he is anything but a sweet and kind man that only wants justice and to get his girl. (oh sigh) he was lovely, and sexy in every way. The kind that is swoon worthy. Flynn could have had more backbone, her character was a bit flawed in some ways I liked but in others I couldn't stand. I felt like she could have fought more for Jesse, especially when she knows he needs it. And Jesse won't take it, he will fight for her, but demands the same. It is the wake up call Flynn needs to realize what is really important. Then we see her get her backbone...and then she becomes a great heroine instead of average.

This story was pretty intense...as in the way the story line turns out. Its the type of story that is pure intense in the love story, and really puts you at the edge of your seat needing to know what happens next. It was quite a adventure seeing these two characters really find their happy ending, and after finishing it...I knew I couldn't wait to get the second book of the series. There was such satisfaction in reading a romance that puts you on edge, stimulates the senses, intrigues you with each sensual scene and gives you a romance worth reading...GUARANTEED!! A HEART STOPPER!!