A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare


OMG, this was even better than the first book! Poor tortured Will, poor confused Tessa, and poor, sick Jem!!

There were quite a few curveballs that were thrown here, some things really surprised me. I will try my best to not spoil anything here, though.

I loved seeing more of the history between Magnus and the Shadowhunters, and it is easier to understand how he could become attached to the present-day Shadowhunters because of this.

Tessa will hopefully be able to figure out what she is, I have a little theory about this...
Spoiler I think she is actually part fairy and part Shadowhunter

Will Jem survive his illness? It would seem really cruel if he doesn't, but at the same time, it would be kind of strange if he does. It's a Catch22 if I ever saw one!

Charlotte and Henry finally got the chance to talk, and to understand each other better - it's amazing they knew so little of each other having been married for a while already!

Will got to show a completely different side of himself - he has been fighting his demons for so long, he had no idea how to act once he could let his guard down a little.

Spoiler and it was completely heart-breaking the way he finally got his courage to tell Tessa he's in love with her, only to be told it's too late because Jem had already proposed to her *sigh*