A review by chelseas_reads
Demon King by Kassandra Lynn


I received a copy via the author for an honest review.

i zoomed through Demon Princess pretty quickly, I was a little disappointed that it took me longer to read this one. I have to admit, it’s not nearly as good as the first, but it’s still a worthwhile read.

i absolutely love how Demon King was a step up from the first. there were more plot developments, twists, all kinds of things keeping you on your toes. some stuff i was expecting (the fairy thing), but otherwise there were some good twists that i didn’t expect at all.

the first character i want to talk about, and what a dick. seth. i don’t know what it was (bad writing or the way he was raised) but how can someone be so stupid and blind when facts are clearly presented in front of you? he was very annoying and i think I’ve grown a particular hatred towards him.

with sadi, i wasn’t expecting that. nothing makes sense anymore. why. the thing at the end makes no sense to me, even after everything’s explained. i can’t trust him anymore, no matter how hard i try. he was one of my favourite characters, now i refuse to believe. also, i imagined him as an arab guy (i don’t know where it came from, i just did) but now either he isn’t or
Spoilerhis "ever so distant relation" adriana potentially is.

on the note of adriana, she was so damn annoying in this book. in demon princess, i wanted to defend her and whatnot, but in this one i wanted to punch her and make her do something useful.

okay and keldrin was annoying too.

overall, i rate this book 4 stars. i know, my review is shit but negative-based reviews are the most informative. as a whole, the book was great and i recommend to most. just those few things mentioned above- which were mostly things that bugged me rather than “what i hate”. i definitely recommend giving it a go.