A review by ceena
The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick


I'm really not sure to say about this book, since I've been wanting to DNF since 38%.... I kept with it though, so I'm kinda proud of myself.

I'm not at all attached with the characters. The pacing was also fast, but sometimes I didn't understand if with a perspective switch if the time was still the same, day later, or even earlier in the day. So, that was a tab confusing occasionally.

I think part of the reason I kept reading the book was so that I could put my finger on what exactly I felt was missing with this fast-pace. There is definitely more dialogue than not and more problems and stress than working towards solutions. Honestly, reading this book was stressing ME out. And while this is a romance, the focus really isn't on the relationship. In fact, I don't understand what they like about each other except looks. When Alice first asks Tim out on a date, I was stunned. Usually, I can see it coming through their inner thoughts about the other person, blushing, or interactions, but Alice rarely thinks about Tim in a romantic way -- Tim only really thinks about her body.

Story-wise, I'm not sure what the climax or point of the book is. The characters don't really change. Maybe Tim a bit, but he was already changing when the story began. Alice? nah, same. Then again, I know people don't need to grow and change , yet in a character-driven story like this you assume they do.

I think the topics in this book are good ones to broach. Things happen, responsibility can be too much to handle, and it all sucks --things people actually go through. Unfortunately, I don't think this is a book I'll remember after a week or two :/