A review by shamsook
Where We Stand: Class Matters by bell hooks


hooks is a gifted and skilled writer, and an incredibly thoughtful and intelligent person. For those who question her use of anecdotal evidence to talk about class, I think it's important to realize that there is not a substantial body of work out there about class systems in the US and what has been done is often conceptualized by people who have little to no personal experience with poverty. This is very disturbing indeed, and I actually believe that personal narrative is crucial for understanding and improving the quality of life of any under-served group of people.

Although I may not see eye-to-eye with hooks on everything in this book, I think it is so important that this conversation is had, however controversial it may be. hooks not only lists off problems, but attempts to get at the core values that may underlie these problems and potential avenues for us to begin to fix them as a society.