A review by tometrinket
Hot Blood, by Richard Christian Matheson, Harlan Ellison, Lonn M. Friend, Chet Williamson, Michael Garrett, F. Paul Wilson, Theodore Sturgeon, Steve Rasnic Tem, Rex Miller, David J. Schow, Robert Bloch, Ramsey Campbell, Robert R. McCammon, Michael Newton, Logan Swanson, Lisa Tuttle, J.N. Williamson, Gary Brandner, Craig Spector, Ray Garton, Jeff Gelb, Les Daniels, Mick Garris, Dennis Etchison, Graham Masterton, John M. Skipp


Project Hot Blood, part 1

The Hot Blood series are tales of erotic horror, which is the best combination ever. When something as personal and sensitive as sex is mixed with horror, what could possible scare you shitless more? So I set out to explore them all, all 13 books of the series, thus Project Hot Blood.

First, some info about my rating system. The level of paranormal of each story is one to five, one meaning it surely can happen in real life, five meaning it’s utterly something paranormal. The level of sex describes how graphic is the sex in each story, one to five, one being tame a bedtime story told by a nun, five being a detailed script for a hardcore porn movie. My rating’s from one to ten, it’s based on the balance of horror and erotic, so getting five in ‘level of sex’ doesn’t automatically mean an above average rating from me. It’s based on the wtf-ness of the ending, how freaked out I am, how nightmare-generating it is. One being rubbish, ten being masterpiece.

[a:Graham Masterton|10275|Graham Masterton|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1250596895p2/10275.jpg] (Best work among others: “Walkers“)
It’s about a married man who met a beautiful woman and almost immediately fell in love. I like the disastrous ending, however confusing.
Length: 29 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 No way in Hell. Well, maybe there.
Level of Sex: 2 Premature ejaculation, meaning sex scenes cut short.
My rating: 6 out of 10

The Likeness of Julie
[a:Richard Matheson|8726|Richard Matheson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1200467797p2/8726.jpg] (Best known for “I Am Legend“
It’s about turning an ordinary guy into a monster. I enjoyed the chilling process of turning. But I want to know more!
Length: 10 pages
Level of Paranormal: 3 It might happen.
Level of Sex: 1 While the thought of it was disturbing, the sex itself wasn’t described.
My rating: 6 out of 10 (would’ve been an 8 if it offered more explanation)

The Thang
[a:Robert R. McCammon|5244478|Robert R. McCammon|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1555977227p2/5244478.jpg] (Best work among others: “Swan Song“)
It’s about a man and his…well, you know, his thang. Nasty ending. I love New Orleans! Especially after American Horror Story: Coven.
Length: 18 pages
Level of Paranormal: 3 Depends on whether you believe in Voodoo.
Level of Sex: 1 Higher only if a table dance count as sex.
My rating: 5 out of 10

Ménage à Trois
[a:F. Paul Wilson|20561|F. Paul Wilson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1210613635p2/20561.jpg] (Author of “The Keep” and “Repairman Jack” -series)
It’s about threesome like the title suggested. I didn’t like it because it was really predictable and too long. But the spectacular ending saved it all.
Length: 32 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 Though hypnotism is a thing, but the ending. Oh sheeeeyit, what if the ending’s a coincidence?! Then this would be a two.
Level of Sex: 2 Quite tame now. What’s it with male authors and their reluctance to write smut properly?
My rating: 7 out of 10 (would have been a 4 without the ending, which was really that good)

Mr. Right
Richard Christian Matheson (Author of “Scars and Other Distinguishing Marks“)
It’s like that one joke about doctors, made funny because we all hold on tight to stereotypes. I like it. It’s short and sweet and quite clever.
Length: 4 pages
Level of Paranormal: 0 Some monsters are real.
Level of Sex: 1 It’s all left to the imagination of the reader.
My rating: 8 out of 10

Blood Night
[a:Chet Williamson|27798|Chet Williamson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1449162753p2/27798.jpg] (Best work among others: “Second Chance“)
It’s about a man’s unique ability to control his dreams. A minor error in facts, but I choose to ignore it. Because the rest of the story’s pretty good.
Length: 17 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 We all know, cos we’ve all tried it: dreams can’t be controlled.
Level of Sex: 4 Whaaaat. A four finally! See, fellas? Not that damn hard now, is it?!
My rating: 8 out of 10 Would have been a nine without that minor error.

[a:Mick Garris|421308|Mick Garris|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1445116428p2/421308.jpg]
It’s about the fascination of feeling the way someone else is feeling. Fascinating, yet terrifying.
It started out as quite a pretty and odd love story. It took the horror turn quite suddenly, and it somehow didn’t match the rest of the story.
Length: 12 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 I wish it would be possible, at least temporarily.
Level of Sex: 3 Wasn’t that explicit but quite absurd.
My rating: 6 out of 10 Higher if the story builds more towards the ending.

Ramsey Campbell (Best work among others: “Dark Companions“)
It’s about a kinky old lady. Flies? Nasty. Old women? Creepy. Kinky old woman with flies? Scary as hell.
Length: 12 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 At least I hope this would never happen in real life.
Level of Sex: 2 There wasn’t any sex actually, thank God for that. But the little stuff somehow made me feel dirty.
My rating: 7 out of 10 Could’ve explained more..ok you know what, I don’t want to know more. Yes, it’s that kind of a story.

Bug House
[a:Lisa Tuttle|38313|Lisa Tuttle|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1296860221p2/38313.jpg] (Finally, a female author! Shows we ladies can be quite nasty too. Best work among others: “A Nest of Nightmares“)
It’s about an aunt living in an old house. Yes, as the title suggests, there will be bugs. The build-up slightly too long, with useless subplots. Otherwise, it was quite brilliant.
Length: 23 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5! Bugs…no no no no no nononononono
Level of Sex: 3 Not that explicit, but a word of warning for sensitive readers. But if you’re sensitive, what da hell you’re doing reading Hot Blood.
My rating: 7 out of 10 Cut those subplots and it would be an eight.

Vengeance Is.
[a:Theodore Sturgeon|12531|Theodore Sturgeon|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1211292667p2/12531.jpg] (Best work among others: “More Than Human“)
It’s about justice really. Quite a clever little story. Unique way of narration.
Length: 9 pages
Level of Paranormal: 2 I guess it could happen? I’m too lazy to google the medical terms.
Level of Sex: 2 The idea’s nasty, but the wording’s quite tame.
My rating: 8 out of 10

The Unkindest Cult
J. N. Williamson
It’s about vasectomy. Nuff said. The weakest story yet horror-wise. Guess this would be scarier for male readers.
Length: 6 pages
Level of Paranormal: 0 Definitely would happen in real life too.
Level of Sex: 0 There wasn’t any?
My rating: 4 out of 10

[a:Michael Garrett|202718|Michael Garrett|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/m_50x66-82093808bca726cb3249a493fbd3bd0f.png]
It’s about fantasies and exes. Some writers have the ability to make you believe no matter how absurd their story is. Well, Garrett’s not one of them. This is almost silly.
Length: 15 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 I rather believe in brain-hungry zombies.
Level of Sex: 1 Quite tame.
My rating: 5 out of 10

[a:Harlan Ellison|7415|Harlan Ellison|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1377708311p2/7415.jpg]
It’s about children of the night, but not vampires. I think. A bit confusing.
Length: 13 pages
Level of Paranormal: 4 Not a five cos I’m not even sure what happened.
Level of Sex: 2 It’s alright.
My rating: 5 out of 10

Pretty is…
[a:Mike Newton|14171347|Mike Newton|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]
It’s about a pretty girl and a mysterious boy. Quite a slow but enjoyable build-up. I would love to know more. The ending was quite unexpected and surprisingly steamy.
Length: 12 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5
Level of Sex: 3
My rating: 7 out of 10

Aunt Edith
Gary Brandner (The author of “The Howling”)
It’s about an aunt and her little statues. Predictable yet funny little piece.
Length: 10 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 Fascinating idea, but still, wishful thinking.
Level of Sex: 2 A lot left to imagination, but the tension’s good.
My rating: 7 out of 10

Daughter of the Golden West
[a:Dennis Etchison|44806|Dennis Etchison|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1329263872p2/44806.jpg]
It’s about three best friends and a strange girl. It’s a pity really, cos I really like the style of prose. The story didn’t make sense though. Sometimes, in horror, less is not more.
Length: 13 pages
Level of Paranormal: 3 Depends on whether I even understood the story.
Level of Sex: ? There was sex? I couldn’t recall.
My rating: 4 out of 10

Meat Market
John Skipp and [a:Craig Spector|104391|Craig Spector|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1359789517p2/104391.jpg]
It’s about bloody business. Again, less is not more. Subtlety’s not my cup of tea.
Length: 7 pages
Level of Paranormal: ? No freaking idea.
Level of Sex: 2 It was okay.
My rating: 4 out of 10

The Voice
[a:Rex Miller|2910096|Rex Miller|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1301813531p2/2910096.jpg]
It’s about phone sex. I think it was a bit mean. I didn’t like it.
Length: 6 pages
Level of Paranormal: 0 Could happen.
Level of Sex: 0 There wasn’t any. Not even much tension.
My rating: 3 out of 10

The Model
Robert Bloch (The author of “Psycho”)
It’s about a model who just won’t give it. Too long of a build-up, almost got bored. The grand finale wasn’t worth the build-up.
Length: 10 pages
Level of Paranormal: 3 Depends on whether the guy’s crazy or not.
Level of Sex: 1 Not much of it.
My rating: 5 out of 10

Carnal House
[a:Steve Rasnic Tem|490342|Steve Rasnic Tem|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1365376040p2/490342.jpg]
It’s about appreciating the dead. What’s up with people not just come out and say it as it is?! Sometimes I wonder whether the writers even know what they are talking about. Though I liked the setup.
Length: 12 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5 Boring zombies
Level of Sex: 3 Some nasty action.
My rating: 6 out of 10

They’re Coming For You
[a:Les Daniels|61957|Les Daniels|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/m_50x66-82093808bca726cb3249a493fbd3bd0f.png]
It’s about surprises and sick twisted obsession. Damn, wasn’t this entertaining right up to its nasty end.
Length: 7 pages
Level of Paranormal: 0 I would like to think that it’s all just tricks of the mind.
Level of Sex: 4 Because it was nasty.
My rating: 9 out of 10 This is really what the Hot Blood series is about.

Suzie Sucks
Jeff Gelb (The editor and one of the authors of Hot Blood series)
The title, exactly that. The build-up was promising. Pity that the story took the easy way out.
Length: 8 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5
Level of Sex: 2
My rating: 6 out of 10

[a:Ray Garton|20559|Ray Garton|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1342754056p2/20559.jpg]
It’s about a nice lady with a dark past. This is one of those stories that slaps a deep frown on your face the whole time you’re reading this. A frown not because it’s a poor story, a frown because it’s so freaking good in the most bone-chilling way.
Length: 14 pages
Level of Paranormal: 0 This shit could’ve been real cos you know, people can be quite sick.
Level of Sex: 5 Explicit, perverted, disturbing.
My rating: 10 out of 10 Finally, a perfect score for a perfectly horrific story.

Red Light
[a:David J. Schow|327493|David J. Schow|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1239986757p2/327493.jpg]
It’s about a top model and cameras and consumers. I really don’t believe the story, it’s not scary, it’s even a little stupid. Not a good one to end the first book.
Length: 21 pages
Level of Paranormal: 5
Level of Sex: 2
My rating: 5 out of 10

The average rating is six, which isn’t very good. Only five stories out of 24 got an eight or above. Over 60 % of the stories are only mediocre with a few exceptionally poor ones. Nonetheless, they were a fun read.