A review by see_sadie_read
Cassie Scot by Christine Amsden


3.5, round up

Is this a perfect book? No. Did I have qualms with it? Yes. Did I enjoy it enough to want to continue the series? Yes.

I'm reminded of my relationship with the Kate Daniels series. I never want to rate any individual book super highly, but I always want another one. Cassie Scot is like that.

I was bothered that at 21 she's still treated like a child, and apparently expects nothing else. I disliked that there was obviously information being kept from her and she seemed content to not pursue it. Her dithering over the boyfriend felt forced, it obviously wasn't a difficult decision. I thought she had a couple too-stupid-to-live moments (the swimming pool, comes to mind). I went a little ragey finding out it ends on a cliffhanger, with some important info sill being held in reserve from the reader. But I also simply enjoyed the ride, liked the characters and want to know what happens. And, in the end, that matters more to me than anything else.