A review by leahegood
Reflections by Rosa Parks: The Quiet Strength and Faith of a Woman Who Changed a Nation by Rosa Parks


As a young adult, I read widely about topics like the Underground Railroad and the Civil Rights movement. Books like [b:Breakthrough to the Big League|11082331|Breakthrough to the Big League The Story of Jackie Robinson|Jackie Robinson|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|16003978] caused me to respect and desire to emulate people of history who showed character and dignity as they fought for freedom, equality, and respect.

This book by Rosa Parks reminded me why I respected these people. Not that I ceased to respect them, but my memory was a bit rusty. In this book, Rosa shares her experiences and imparts her wisdom to a new generation. She urges action and determination built on a foundation of faith. It's a short book worthy of rereading for it's wealth of down-to-earth, practical advice.