A review by beedew
Hare Moon by Carrie Ryan


Warning: SpoilersI feel guilty writing negative reviews when I suspect the author is someone I would like in real life. I mean, we females who find zombie culture interesting need to stick together! But I would be lying if I said Hare Moon impressed or entertained me. The writing is formulaic and a rehashing of the major themes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I could forgive this if it brought new depth or perspective to those themes, but it does not. Once again we have a selfish heroine who is driven by lust and a desire for more. Sister Theresa was the most interesting character in The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Her backstory negates much of her potential as a complex character. I suspect Ryan's intention is for the reader to ultimately sympathize with Theresa for the difficult choices she is forced to make, but I could not. Theresa's capacity to love and sacrifice seemed false. I was told by the narrator that she loved and ultimately sacrificed her personal happiness for the survival of her village, but Theresa's reactions (such as her heartless dismay in seeing the younger brother and her feeling of betrayal when Patrick comes to her for help rather than romance) are at odds with this. Instead of creating a richly flawed character, Ryan has created an inauthentic one.