A review by rosenectur
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin: 1809-1882 by Charles Darwin


This was the book I challenged my professor on. I proposed that this book picked along with the existentialist work The Brothers Karamazov where chosen particularly to make the two of us who were Christians in the class uncomfortable. I accused him of trying to convert us. He argued that he picked them because they were important books to understanding history and philosophy (and because he had never read either.) He urged me to read this autobiography saying that I may be surprised by what I find in it. I was not surprised, and it did nothing to change my mind about Darwin or Evolution. Darwin is nothing more than an eccentric gentleman's scientist. He had family money, and probably married for more money and disregarded the fact that he was trampling on the religion his wife held dear. It was a waste of my time to read this book, esp. since most of the others in the class did not come prepared to discuss it.