A review by sam_riccio
Furyborn by Claire Legrand


I'm currently reading this book, and I thought that a read-along-review would be another fun thing for me to do. I've done this with Naomi Novik's, Uprooted, when I forgot my note journal at home one day, as well as Maggie Steifvater's, All the Crooked Saints, and since I think that this particular book is very dense and super complicated to first get into I thought maybe it would help me get through this book faster.
I want to start out, by explaining Furyborn in my own words; so this may take a while:

Time travel bullshit (Which I love and need to write these points down or I'm never going to make sense of it)

Some deeply in world religious shit that I can probably compare to the world today if I really tried

A proulouge and it's aftermath.

F O I L C H A R A C T E R S: Our two mains are so different already, but by the end of this they may end with the same goal in mind and have the same wants but because of who they are and what fate has done to them they're going to be precieved in different ways and have comepletely different endings and this is only the first book.

What trope do I want the most to be cannon? Person who is trying to be edgy turns out to be a cinnamon roll, person who is trying to be a cinnamon roll turns out to be edgy. It's gonna happen, I can feel it. Our two Queens; Rielle and Eliana already have a different life than the other and different goals; Rielle just wants to use her magic and not be a prisoner her entire life and love the man of her dreams, the crown prince, and Eliana is in the world 1,028 years later when the kingdom has fallen and been turned into an empire because of the events that took place in Rielle's lifetime, working as a mercenary to keep her family safe and fed.
Rielle, I think, is going to be my favorite of the two queens. I've always been a sucker for misunderstood characters who were just victim to their circumstances. She just wants to be free on her own terms, as of where I am in this book, but her father and tutor have been trying to keep her down and obedient her entire life until she ends up revealing herself in an unexpected way. To keep her from execution she has to go through seven trials to prove to the king and the kingdom that she isn't a threat, that she isn't the Blood Queen that's to destroy Everything in their world.
Eliana reminds me of Ailin, in the way that she's reluctant to be part of things but she knows she's gotta and ends up caring either way. She's already lost her first lover, and I know that she's going to get a new one by the end of this book. I don't like her chapters so far, they seem a little slow to me and like there isn't enough backstory but that may change as I progress in the book. It may pick up soon, and I'll be happy to see it do so.

So I hate how they're going along with Eliana's chapter's because all she seems to be is 'coy' and leading people into her bed and making comments that aren't necessary at all and feel forced.

Why do they gotta drug her, and then strip her of her clothes? Why is this necessary when you could have easily blindfolded them all if you didn't want them to know an exact location.

Rielle is really turning into the only POV I enjoy.

It feels like it should have just been Rielle's book, and then published Eliana's as a separate book but I do get and enjoy where she's trying to go with this with the different types of characters and the time line it just is Too Much sometimes.

Simon? Don't like him. Eliana is trying to do her own thing and he's over here acting like she knows anything about what's going on. She just wants her mom back, and he thinks she owes them everything.

Don't like Corien either, leave Rielle alone you're going to be the end of this poor girl who just wants love.

I had to change to reading this as an audiobook, because I don't have the time to really sit down and read anymore and I hate getting stuck in Eliana's chapter's. I like the solution of the audiobook because the narrator has a lovely voice to listen to. You don't think that her voice is wrong for what she's speaking for and I may finally be able to get this book completed!
Is this a bad book? No, it's not, I'm just not attached to this book the way that others seem to be or the way that I thought that I would be, since I was so excited for this book when I got it.
It may be more exciting when I get to the last few chapters, a lot of books get exciting at the end which is where they finally get you, but it shouldn't really be where they get you. I should have been emotionally attached since the end of chapter 2, but I only have real sentiment for Rielle at this point.
I love Zahra, and Lu, and how they seem to be the main support casts that have so much the best interests at heart.
I'm almost done at this point because the audiobook is helping me get this far, and I hate that its finally getting good this late but I also wish that we can do without the irrelevant sex scenes because they do little for the plot of the book.
It was such a dick move of Tal to make her go back through her parents burning home for the second time in her life with a crowd watching her. I don't like Tal to begin with, he gives me pedophile vibes and I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels it but I will sure say it!
Just finished it, and I have some thoughts. I think that Zahra and Lu are the same person, and I didn't see the twist with Lu coming. I thought she was gone for good and then boom there she is and she's been like this for years! The three of them could be the ultimate poly couple if the world wasn't filled with cowards but I guess I can settle with the way things are because Audric loves Rielle, and Rielle loves him.
Simon and Eliana feels forced to me, and like there was no real development there. I'm sort of hoping that they get it out of their system in book 2, and then be on their way with Eliana fixing the world and kicking Corien's ass.
Corien can fight me, because this is all his fault and they all blame Rielle. The girl who wanted love. I feel so angry for her, and low key want her to know that out of the two Queens I'm rooting on her the most even though I know exactly what happens to her.
I hope Rielle, Audric, and Lu are happy in the afterlife together because they deserve that much, and that's that. That's all.