A review by wickedlovely
Fire Night by Penelope Douglas


I don't usually read Christmas-themed stories but I needed (hoped) for a pick-me-up after recently reading the shit show that was [b:Nightfall|53750794|Nightfall (Devil's Night, #4)|Penelope Douglas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1591049482l/53750794._SX50_.jpg|51820772]. It was a nice little fluff piece so I can't complain but like....is Douglas setting up Mads & Octavia to be together? Aren't they like first cousins? Like actual in blood, our parents share DNA cousins? I hope I'm wrong, I hope I did not endure 4 books with random ass orgies & general WTFery just to be presented with actual incest in a spinoff.